❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  In order to produce a Spell, a Mage must first have access to Magic, but there is one exception. Universal Spells allow even regular people to manipulate the Mana within their body to create a wide variety of different Spells. Although these forms of Magic are considered to be weaker than Unique Magic in terms of potential power, they are extremely useful in multiple different situations, granting people access to things they normally couldn't do with their Unique Magic. Due to the fact that a Universal Spell is considered to be the most basic form of Mana control, low level Universal Spells are taught to academy students in Human society. Many other races also use Universal Spells, but they usually aren't taught and instead self-learned through combat with others.❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   Universal Spells have different rankings and classifications based on what they do, what's needed to perform them, and how destructive or useful they are. The lowest ranking of Universal Spells is D Rank. While they can be useful in some situations, they typically aren't, which means a surprisingly large amount of individuals don't know how to perform them, as they do not waste their time learning them. The highest ranking is S Rank, Universal Spells only utilized by the strongest Mages. Most S Rank Spells are banned from being used within Human society due to their destructiveness along with the danger it imposes to the user. There are massive drawbacks to these Spells, but they reap even bigger benefits. Between D Rank and S Rank are C, B A, and A+ Rank Spells.



❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Incantations are Magical phrases or gestures that allow a Mage to cast a specific spell. These phrases or gestures also signify the strength of a spell. Spells without proper incantations tend to be weaker than ones with. All spells with incantations must have their phrases or gestures done out loud, these cannot be performed within the user's mind or else the result is 30% weaker than intended. If an incantation is interrupted, it can immediately be repeated until performed properly.
❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Similarly, there are Magical Circles, a form of miscellaneous Universal Spell that are incorperated into other spells. Ones that naturally possess a Magical Circle don't receive any boosts or increase to their power, but one with a Magical Circle will increase the power of a Spell by [+15%], but also increases it's spell drain by [+20]. Magical Circles take one post of preparation to form. If a spell already has a boost, it receives a [+5] to it's buff.




❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  The lowest of the low. D Rank Universal Spells have very little destructive power and very little supportive power, however they are taught to beginner Mages in order to provide them with a simple understanding of how Mana can be used to create a Spell, even if Basic. Not many people make use of these Spells due to how weak they are.



[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Meaning "To Cure", Naoru is a supportive Spell that allows it's user to heal others. Using their Mana, they can repair and or replace cells and broken tissue on a very minor scale. Naoru only heals small wounds such as small deep wounds.[Drain] -10% Mana per wound.
[Cooldown] 10 Posts


[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Like the name implies, the user summons a shield using their Mana. The shield can block a single attack that doesn't exceed the user's Magic Power by 1.2x.[Drain] -15%
[Cooldown] 5 Posts


[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  The "Sensory" spell is something that anybody who possesses Mana has, and because of that, it is classified with the rest of the D Rank spells but is also not a D Rank at the same time. Some call it a psuedo D Rank. The user's sensory range sensory range starts at zero, and increases by 10 meters every [500 Magic Control]. This means that a Mage isn't given access to the ability until reaching 500 Magic Control.[Drain] N/A
[Cooldown] N/A

RANK D : Konton

[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Roughly translating to "Chaos" in Japanese, Konton's activation comes with an incantation. After speaking the incantation, the Mage raises their hand and focuses their Mana into the tip of their fingers, shaping it into a ball before unleashing it forward. The speed of the ball scales off of the user's [Speed Stat]. A Konton bullet can only be fired one at a time.[Drain] -15%
[Cooldown] 3 Posts
[Incantation] "Drag forth my misfortune and brutually unleash it unto my enemy; Konton!"

RANK D : Mana Wire

[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Simply named, the Mana Wire spells allows the user to release multiple thin strands of their own Mana in order to bind an opponent. The wire can be easily broken by anything 1.2x the user's Magic Power.[Drain] -25%
[Cooldown] 5 Posts
[Incantation] "Connected with my soul, restrain for my benefit."




❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  You've gotten the hang of this, haven't you? Reaching C Rank is a massive accomplishment for a beginner Mage. It marks their growth in handling Magical Abilities, allowing them to perform spells more difficult than the ones belonging to the previous rank. Reaching this level lowers all D Rank spell drain by [5]
[Requirement] 500 Magic Power, 500 Magic Control
[Special Requirement] Use at least two D-Rank Spells in a real battle.



[CLASS] Support/Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Surge is a Spell that allows a Mage to temporarily swap out their physical strength with their Magic Power for a single blow. This is done by coating a part of the body in Mana and then striking with it. The Mana around the point of focus "bursts" on impact, thus creating the illusion of swapping strength with magic power.[Drain] -25% Mana
[Cooldown] 5 Posts
[Incantation] "Allow my soul to cover my fist, as if it were the clouds hiding Heaven above!"


[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Rapid Konton is an improved version of the regular Konton. No longer limited by lack of Magic Control, a Mage at this stage is capable of unleashing Konton multiple times back to back.[Drain] -10% per Konton
[Cooldown] 5 Posts after firing five consecutive Kontons.
[Incantation] "Drag forth my misfortune and brutually unleash it unto my enemy; Konton!"


[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Roughly translating to "To pierce", Tsukisasaru is a powerful beam of Mana that utilizes a Magic Circle in order to form. Spells that use circles along with an incantation are typically stronger than other spells, but eventually, even stronger spells are developed. This is what puts Tsukisasaru at C Rank. An ancient spell that was once feared by many has been overshadowed by new, advanced spells. Tsukisasaru's main purpose is to pierce like the name implies, both flesh and defensives. On impact, Tsukisasaru reduces a target's defensive stat by [-20%] for that moment it hits.[Drain] -30%
[Cooldown] 8 Posts
[Incantation] "'i decree to break the defensives of mine enemies, may mine corporal vessel grow firm-set and mine soul stronger. Pierce with all thy might. Tsukisasaru."

[Spell Fact!] - Tsukisasaru was developed by a powerful Mage and was able to break every existing defense at the time. Decades later, Aurelian Mages analyzed this powerful spell and developed stronger defensive techniques which are commonly used today. An S Rank spell back then, was reduced to nothing more than C Rank 30 years after it's creation.


[CLASS] Supportive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Named after Mar's shield, Ancile combines the basic form of mana shaping along with Magical Circles to create a massive shield in front of the user. Ancile is shaped like a rounded petal, the front of the shield being able to split large beam attacks instead of outright blocking them.[Drain] -30%
[Cooldown] 8 Posts
[Incantation] "Mine hand graces the blue heavens, swiping protection from 'tis skies and wielding it 'i mine hand. Deign heaven's barrier to repel darkness from myself. Heaven's flower blooms, Ancile."


[CLASS] Supportive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Air Walk is a simple, yet demanding spell that requires constant maintenance. By forming thin platforms of Mana strong enough just to support your weight, a Mage is capable of immitating levitation and flight. These platforms can vary in size, but at C Rank, are only large enough for a single person to step onto. Advanced usage of this spell allows Mages to engage in combat mid-air.[Drain] -10% per post.
[Cooldown] 10 Posts after ending the spell.
[Incantation] N/A




❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  You're quite determined, aren't you? You've reached a level of Magic Control typical for average Mages, meaning you get to perform the average spell. It's at this level where things start getting powerful. Some of these spells aren't permitted to be used within heavily populated areas due to their destructive power and large range. All C-Rank Spells have a reduced drain of [5] when reaching the B-Rank requirement.
[Requirement] 2,000 Magic Power, 1,000 Magic Control
[Special Requirement] Use at least two C-Rank Spells in a real battle.



[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Flight is exactly what it sounds like. Flying. After wrapping your body in an invisible coat of mana, you can levitate yourself into the sky. Through the consumption of extra mana, you can propel yourself at high speeds through the air. The benefit that sets it apart from Air Walk is the fact that the user can freely fight during flight without the worry of falling off some invisible platform beneath their feet.[Drain] -15% Mana per post.
[Cooldown] 10 posts after ending post.
[Boost] In exchange for 10% more Mana, activate a speed boost of [+10%] for 2 posts. Cannot be stacked.
[Incantation] N/A


[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Hitofuki is another spell which utilizes a Magical Circle. Creating one in front of the hand, the user forces the stored Mana in the circle out of it into a forward beam. The beam gathers air around it as it travels, making currents spin around it almost like a drill.[Drain] -40% Mana
[Cooldown] 8 Posts
[Boost] +10% Magic Power
[Incantation] "Within mine domain, mine soul bids upon the most realm itself to support mine mighty spear. May the wind cherish thy name, sing, Hitofuki."

[Spell Fact!] - Hitofuki is an old elven spell which uses the foundations of Tsukisasaru as a base for its creation. Due to the high amounts of Magical Power possessed by the Elves, Hitofuki was naturally stronger as it contained more condensed mana, enough to bend the air currents around it as it traveled.


[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Exclusive to Demonkin and those with Corrupted Mana, Lanza Del Malevolencia translates to "Spear of Malevolence". The Mage generates a Magic Circle behind their body while beginning the chant. At the end of the chant, the Mage points their hand towards the target before firing off a massive spear-like blast of Mana towards the opponent. On contact, the spear generates a large explosion.[Drain] -60% Mana
[Cooldown] 12 Posts
[Boost] +20% Magic Power
[Incantation] "Lanza maldita del inframundo, manifiestate ante mi gran poder y cae sobre mi enemigo. Ven en mi ayuda, Lanza de Malevolencia."


[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Named after the Mortal Realm's deity, Shrine of Lerna is a barrier spell in which the user generates a Magic Circle above their palm. The built up mana in the circle expands into a large bubble around the user. Unlike Ancile, the barrier blocks attacks instead of splitting them.[Drain] -30% per post kept up.
[Cooldown] 8 Posts
[Boost] +10% Magic Power
[Incantation] "Oh, all powerful deity whom rules over the land of mortal souls, I bid of thou to allow me to enter thy home. Shrine of Lerna, defend me from this sinful blow."


[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  A spell which recovers a certain amount of mana. In exchange for your current entire pool of Mana, you can recover 1.5x that amount. For example, expending 50% mana would return your Mana Pool to 75%. How this is done is quite simple. By using a set amount of existing mana, a Mage can briefly accelerate their body's mana recovery to produce a new pool of mana. This spell does not work in Ascension.[Drain] Refer to description.
[Cooldown] One use per 2 battles.
[Boost] N/A
[Incantation] N/A


[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   Izanagi is a powerful orb of Mana that can be generated at the fingertips or within the palm for a large amount of Mana- however, the pay off is great if it lands. The orb can be unleashed into a massive fiery beam, one that reduces all defenses to ashes. There is no defensive Spell, no matter how powerful, that can stop the likes of Izanagi . . . Other than Izanami.[Drain] 100%
[Cooldown] 6 Posts
[Boost] +50% to Magic Power & Speed

"O ancient flames, O Izanagi, answer my call.
In my palm, hold thy power.
With a single flame, burn all to ashes.
O Izanagi, answer my call!"




❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Truly amazing. You've climbed up the ranks, starting from the bottom as a basic Mage to now near the top. While you're only considered "above average", not many people reach this level of Magic Control. Those capable of using A-Rank Spells are feared throughout multiple Realms for the power they possess. Due to their immense power, A Rank Spells happen to have lengthy incantations.All B-Rank Spells have a reduced drain of [10] and a reduced cooldown of [2].
[Requirement] 8,000 Magic Power, 5,000 Magic Control
[Special Requirement] Use at least two B-Rank Spells in a real battle.



[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  A spell developed by Demonkin in order to pass into the Mortal Realm without the use of natural Realm Borders. Mystic Door, is a large portal created by a tear in Magic Structure. Through Mana Sensing, a Mage searches for a weak point in the "Alteration Formula", a term for the phenomenon which exists everywhere and provides structure for Magic. With all of their Mana, the Mage cuts that specific point, temporarily opening a rift into either the Mortal Realm or Contralto. This Spell CANNOT be utilized in combat.[Drain] -150%
[Cooldown] N/A, must wait for Mana Pool to recover.
[Boost] N/A
"From the realm where shadows wane, in the cosmic, boundless plane, by mystic forces we command, let pathways to the unknown expand. With words of power, we now declare, unlock the gate to realms so rare, through veils of time and space we'll soar, to worlds unseen, forevermore. By ancient lore and magic's grace, we beckon now this sacred place, open wide the Mystic Door, to uncharted realms, we explore."


[CLASS] Support/Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  At a basic level, Mana Agglomeration allows the user to unleash their Mana into the air before bending it to their will in order to create tangible material that can be used for various different purposes. Whether it be to create a Sword of Mana or even a shield. The strength and durability of these constructs scale off of Magic Power, but can be no larger than the user's body.[Drain] -30% per construct.
[Cooldown] 5 Posts
[Boost] N/A
"Mana's flow, by will reshape, into form, power take."


[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  An advanced movement technique that was recently developed by the higher ups at the Guildhall in Human society. Chained Jump is a spell that allows the user to travel through the air by briefly shrouding their bodies in Mana. For a moment, the user becomes intangible, allowing them to pass through solid objects almost as if they teleported. The technique can be used multiple times consecutively depending on if the Mage's momentum continues. If interrupted, the spell is put on cooldown, otherwise you can teleport an additional four times, five total. This spell does not increase speed, instead "nullifies" it for the brief moment of travel. Your attack speed is not increased, meaning anyone faster than you can react to your teleportation and counter as needed.[Drain] -40%
[Cooldown] 8 Posts
[Boost] N/A
"Midst battle's strife, I swiftly sway, through space and time, I'll find my way. In shadows cast, I will reside, to safety's arms, I shall glide."


[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Another powerful spell. Sirius is extremely similar to Hitofuki due to it also being a spell created by the Elves. It's formation is rather simple. A magic circle is created in front the Mage, but instead of using it as a medium to unleash a beam, the Mage fires a Hitofuki through the circle to amplify its destructive power. Due to the amplification of Mana density, the beam no longer is a beam, but a massive slash-like wave that covers a large range of 40 meters in length and 10 meters in width. Due to it's large range, Sirius is banned from being used within any city limit. Elven towns have also banned it's use within town limit.[Drain] -50%
[Cooldown] 10 Posts
[Boost] +50% Magic Power
"With the force of the arcane, fierce and grand, in a sweeping motion, I take a stand. By will and Magic, a cleave I demand, a searing path of Mana across the land. To sunder and shatter, my foes understand, by this incantation, the power in my hand."


[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  As the Mage begins the chant, their body temperature begins to rapidly drop, the mana within their body working to chill itself. With a deep breath, the Mage conjures this chilled mana before exhaling, unleashing a wave of frosty air. Although it doesn't freeze completely through a person, it encases them in ice. The spell reduces the Mage's movement speed by [-20%] for the next 3 posts.[Drain] -30%
[Cooldown] 10 Posts
[Boost] N/A
"In the icy depths, my power concealed, I call forth winter's chill, unconcealed. With every breath, a frigid blast I wield, to freeze and bind, by cold's embrace revealed. From my core to the world, let ice be unsealed, by this incantation, let frost be revealed..."


[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  For [3 posts] after activation, the Mage's Mana circulation is increased. In exchange for getting rid of half of your entire Mana Pool, all spells can be used up to three times in a row before going on cooldown.[Drain] Drains a full half Mana Pool.
[Cooldown] 10 Posts
[Boost] N/A
"In the realms of magic's art, where boundaries bind, I offer half my mana's strength, to unshackle my mind. Limitations fall, as I realign, unlock the potential, in spells I find. By this sacrifice, my power will climb, with this incantation, no limits, I'm entwined."


[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Fist of The Ruler is the first "stealing" spell of it's kind. The Mage casts a 30 meter wide Magic Circle beneath their feet. Anyone caught within the Circle will have 40% of their Mana drained. The Magic Circle redirects this Mana into the Mage's fist, increasing their strength by 2x for a single strike. This does not stack, and if any other buff to strength is active, the 2x will be reduced to a mere [+10%].[Drain] 20% to cast the Circle.
[Cooldown] Once per battle.
[Boost] 2x or +10% to strength.
"From the well of magic, I draw the stream, steal mana, as in a dream. With stolen power, my punch will gleam, unleash it now, like a radiant beam.Your essence fuels my mystical scheme, by this incantation, my punch's force will deem."


[CLASS] Offensive & Supportive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Flow is less of a Spell and more of an ability that can subconsciously be awakened in every Mage. Flow State allows an individual to awaken a heightened sense of concentration where they become fully immersed in battle, granting them the ability to subconsciously ramp up their Mana Output through removing restrictions on the Soul similarly to how Ascension works. When utilizing a Spell that contains their maximum Mana Output, there's a small chance for that attack's power to instantly shoot up upon landing. To signify the activation of Flow, the user's Mana becomes jagged and spiked instead of calm and smooth in shape and texture.In order to use this Spell, roll a !roll 20d1 using Unbelievaboat. If you hit a perfect 20, the Spell can be activated. If you miss the roll, there's a 3 post cooldown before you can do it again. However, if you manage to hit it, you can roll again. Each time a roll is hit, the requirement goes down by half. For example, instead of the second roll being a 20, it has to be 15 or higher. The boost also increases by .1 each roll, so a 2x becomes a 2.1x.[Drain] N/A
[Cooldown] N/A
[Boost] 2x to Speed and Magic Power




❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  You're competing with some real powerful people. Are you sure you wanna go down this path? You've acquired Magic Control which surpasses most Mages, granting you access to spells created by only the strongest of Magic Users. All A-Rank Spells have a reduced drain of [10].
❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  The A+ Rank of Universal Spells are also known as Special A Rank. They don't quite qualify for the ranks of S, but are too powerful to be placed within the rank of A. Since "Special A Rank" is a bit of a mouthful, most people say A+ Rank.[Requirement] Unlock Heightened Ascension.
[Special Requirement] Use at least two A-Rank Spells in a real battle.



[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Known as the spell without a name, this sealing spell was developed by multiple high ranking members of the Guildhall in order to lock away foes too powerful to kill. Requiring a group of four or more, all users have to create a Combined Magic Circle, needing 1 post from each participant. Each Mage then simultaneously chants the incantation while the opponent remains in the Magic circle on the floor. It is 20 meters wide. When complete, the target is sealed within stone, which they cannot be freed from unless they possess a higher Magic Power than the strongest caster participant. If not, then they can only be unsealed by the "sister spell", which specializes in specifically undoing this one seal.[Drain] 600% (150 per user)
[Cooldown] 1 Week
[Boost] N/A

"In shadows deep and secrets veiled, where power wanes and truths are frail, with mystic words and sacred art, I bind this force, I seal this part. by elements of earth and air, by fire's fury, water's care, I call upon the ancient might, to seal this presence, lock this sight. With essence pure, I now create, a barrier strong, a ward innate, encircle, guard, and firmly bind, this magic here, in its confines. By sigils drawn, by runes entwined, by moon and sun, by stars aligned, in this moment, at this place, bound forever, in this space. By the threads of fate, we weave, this power here, we shall cleave, in timeless silence, make it whole, seal the essence, reach the goal. So, be it done, as we decree, locked in time, bound eternally, by this incantation, we now seal, this magic's power, firm and real."


[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Known as the sister spell to the spell without a name, this was also developed by a group of powerful Mages, but not the same ones who invented the original seal. The Reverse Seal was developed by an enemy to the Guildhall who sought out to unseal an enemy of Human society. Regardless of who casted the original sealing spell, the Reverse Seal will undo it. The spell requires four Mages to create a combined Magic Circle below the sealed target. When complete, the stone will break, releasing the seal.[Drain] 600% (150 per user)
[Cooldown] 1 Week
[Boost] N/A

"From shadows' grasp and secrets unveiled, where power surges and truths prevail, with mystic words and art divine, I break this seal, let magic shine. By elements of earth and air anew, by fire's might and water's renew, I call upon the ancient force's might, to free this presence, unleash its light. With essence pure, the barriers break, no longer sealed, no bonds to stake. Release the magic, let it wake, in this incantation, its power we take. By sigils gone, by runes untwined, by moon and sun, by stars redefined, at this moment, in this space and time, set free forever, let the magic climb. By threads of fate, our wills entwine, in timeless silence, let magic's essence shine. So, be it done, as we decree, released from time, now forever free."


[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Calling of Thunder is a spell in which a Mage scatters their mana across the battlefield before continuing in their battle. Later on, the mage calls upon this mana with an incantation. When the incantation is complete, the Mage raises their hand and brings it down onto their opponent, unleashing a beam down upon said target. As the attack comes from the sky, many refer to it as a strike of lightning.[Drain] 40%
[Cooldown] 5 Posts
[Boost] N/A

"With mana's grace, I call upon the sky,
To heed my plea, let lightning draw nigh.
In crackling bolts, let power take flight,
In my hand's embrace, the storm's pure might."


[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   A powerful spell in which allows a Mage to see in slow motion. While this doesn't increase physical speed, it increases the Mage's mental reaction speed and comprehension. Coupled with a telepathic communication spell, a Mage can easily overpower opponents in a team effort. Using this spell more than six times in a Mage's lifespan will cause them to go completely blind.[Drain] 20% per post active.
[Cooldown] 5 Posts
[Boost] N/A

"In the flow of time, where seconds crawl,
I seek to see beyond the mortal thrall.
With mystic words, I shall enthrall,
The temporal realm, to witness all."


[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   Monarch's Insight is a spell that temporarily alters a Mage's mindset. By erasing all Human emotion within a person's mind, the spell grants them the ability to process the worst and best outcomes. Since this isn't foresight, this spell simply allows a Mage to determine an outcome based off of their best assumptions. While it can be done normally through regular strategic thinking, Monarch's Insight also allows for information to be processed and decoded faster.Additionally, no ill or positive intent can be sensed from the Mage when active.[Drain] 20% per post active. Lasts 3 posts.
[Cooldown] 8 Posts
[Boost] N/A

"In the realm of feelings, where chaos weaves,
I seek to suspend what my heart conceives.
With mystic words, I'll sever these ties,
Emotionless clarity, where reason flies."
"By magic's touch, I'll embrace the void,
Where emotions fade, and calm's enjoyed.
In this incantation, my spirit deployed,
For swifter thoughts, I'm now employed."


[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   Typically used with a blade of some sort, the Mage uses Mana to heavily enhance it's cutting power. With a tight grasp on the handle of their weapon, the Mage swings it forward, unleashing a transparent wave of red mana. Splitter of Heaven is its name, a large wave that pierces all defenses. While it doesn't ignore natural defense, it breaks through all barrier-type Magic.[Drain] 60%
[Cooldown] 8 Posts
[Boost] +25% Magic Power

"With force unseen, this spell I cast,
The Splitter of Heaven, a power vast.
No barriers can hold its might, steadfast,
Through every obstacle, it will blast."


[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   A spell which maximizes the user's mana output. Considered to be the strongest of the Special A Ranks, Piercer of Heaven allows a Mage to completely nullify a single attack as long as it's within 2x their range of power. Tracing a circle with a weapon or finger, the Mage speaks the chant. When an attack contacts the circle, it expands and negates the impact.[Drain] Full Mana Pool drain.
[Cooldown] 8 Posts
[Boost] N/A

"By realms above and worlds untold,
I call upon a power, fierce and bold.
With mystic words, this spell unfold,
Piercer of Heaven, a tale to be told."




❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |  Your will has been unwavering from the start. Whether done for good or with malicious intent, you've climbed the ranks of power in order to tightly grasp the true meaning of "Magic". You're on par with the strongest figures in history, someone worthy of attention from The Higher Ones. At S Rank, all other Ranks receive a reduced drain of [25] and a halved cooldown.
[Requirement] Unlock Final Ascension.
[Special Requirement] N/A...?



[CLASS] Passive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   Silent Casting is a sign of unwavering control over Magic. Control so strong that it bends the laws of Spell-Casting. When in Final Ascension, all of the user's Spells require no incantation to perform, this includes Universal Spells as well.[Drain] N/A
[Cooldown] N/A
[Boost] N/A



[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   Blade of Purity is a powerful Spell which utilizes Holy Mana in order to purify an opponent. The Mage raises their hands or weapon to the sky while reciting the chant. While the chant is being spoken, the area lights up in a glistening show of Holy Mana fragments. At the end of the chant, these fragments condense around the Mage's hands or weapons, allowing it to be fired off as a massive beam. It covers a wide 50 meter area in all directions, allowing the Spell to easily hit dozens of opponents if not more. Blade of Purity is considered to be an Anti-Demon spell.[Drain] 300% Mana
[Cooldown] 1 Use per week
[Boost] +30% Magic Power

"In the sacred realm where virtues shine,
With unwavering faith, this spell is thine.
By light's embrace, where hopes align,
The Blade of Purity, by power divine."
Through the depths of darkness, it shall gleam,
With radiant aura, a sacred dream.
In this incantation, let it be seen,
A blade of light, through shadows' scheme."
"As holy fire and purest might, it'll flame,
Dispelling darkness, ending fear and blame.
In this incantation, I call thy name,
Blade of Purity, in the Light's holy name."
"With celestial grace, its purpose be clear,
To cleanse the world of doubt and fear.
By this incantation, our voices we rear,
Blade of Purity, the sacred seer."
"In this sacred chant, our spirits entwine,
With the Blade of Purity, darkness declines.
By the grace of the divine, let it shine,
In our hearts, a symbol pure and fine."


[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   Complete opposite to Blade of Purity, Blade of Corruption is a spell created by a group of powerful Demonkin in order to directly counter it's "sister spell". The Mage speaks the chant, Corrupted Mana fragments forming around them as they do so. These fragments wilter away plant life and cause the body of wild animals to give out. When gathered, this Corrupted Mana can be released as a massive beam with the same range as Blade of Purity.[Drain] 300% Mana
[Cooldown] 1 Use per week
[Boost] +30% Magic Power

"In the twisted realm where shadows crawl,
With sinister intent, this spell does fall.
By the void's abyss, where darkness calls,
The Blade of Corruption, at its evil thrall."
"Through the depths of malice, it shall entwine,
With malevolent aura, in the dark, it'll shine.
In this incantation, let chaos be assigned,
A blade of darkness, a venomous sign."
"As maleficence and darkness spiral, it'll seethe,
Spreading corruption, chaos, and deceit.
In this incantation, our voices shall greet,
Blade of Corruption, in shadows we meet."
"With fiendish might, its purpose unfolds,
To corrupt the world, where evil unfolds.
By this incantation, as our story foretells,
Blade of Corruption, in wickedness dwells."
"In this unholy chant, our spirits are bound,
With the Blade of Corruption, darkness surrounds.
By the abyss's power, let evil resound,
In our hearts, a symbol sinister, unbound."


[CLASS] Support

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   By bending the very fabric of the Alteration Formula around your body with your dense Mana Pressure, a Mage is capable of stopping all forms of magical attacks. Reality's Will is a powerful spell which only has one user as of the year 2013. While it is said the Higher Ones could perform an act like this, such a thing wouldn't fall under this spell.[Drain] 100% per post
[Cooldown] Cooldown of 2 real battles
[Boost] N/A

"Alter worlds, and guard me please,
So I may remain unseen from shadow's gaze and Magic's grasp,
Guide me through this mortal trap.
Free my soul from space and time,
Let me through, so I'll shine."




❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   Storm Dance is a special technique that utilizes the unique muscles of those who possess the Body of The Higher One trait to their fullest extent. By condensing the muscles, users of Storm Dance are capable of bolstering their physical strength, speed, and durability. [Rain] Through condensing the muscles, users can increase physical strength. [Lightning] Through tightening the muscles, users can increase durability. [Wind] Through tightening the muscles in their legs and then releasing it with a leap, users can bolster their physical speed. When all three aspects are combined, the storm is realized.
[Requirements] Possess Body of The Higher One
[Special Requirements] Varies



[CLASS] Offensive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   Cruzada allows the user to release all of the tension in their knees, dropping them towards the floor and immediately guiding their legs upwards as they fall backwards. Moments before impact, the user tightens their muscles and delivers a powerful blow to the opponent's face, leaving them stunned for a single post.
5,000 Strength Stat
3 Posts
+25% Strength


[CLASS] Supportive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   Salida specializes in swift and agile movement to initiate combat or disengage from close quarters, and alternatively allows users to swiftly evade oncoming attacks. Through loosening the muscles, the user can bend their bodies in ways that could injure a normal individual, allowing them to perform maneuvers that allow them to bend around attacks.
5,000 Speed Stat
3 Posts
+25% Speed


[CLASS] Supportive

❨ ✪ ❩ ➔ |   Barrida utilizes swift and precise footwork to zip around their opponent at high speeds before delivering a devastating kick. By releasing the tensions within the muscles of the user's legs on contact, they can unleash a "shockwave" effect from pure strength alone.
5,000 Speed Stat
8,000 Strength Stat
3 Posts
+30% Speed & Strength